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Product information "Embossing folder - Saying - The happy is you - 8 x 8 cm"

Embossing folder - card overlay - saying - The Happy ... - 8 x 8 cm

A great embossing folder as a card overlay for
your Christmas mail and tags is exactly
right and suitable.

An embossing folder, also called embossing folder, with the dimensions about 8 x 8 cm
With the embossing by the folder gets your paper a special effect 
or even an already punched out piece of paper gets so again another look.

With embossing folders you can use a punching and embossing machine (DieCut systems) 
wonderful motifs embossed in your paper. Embossing folders only emboss the paper, they do not cut it.

For more inspiration, visit our design team.

Published on: 02 December 2022

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