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Product information "Folienliebe - Rot"

Folienliebe - Rot

Enchant your projects with
shine and shimmer.

You can combine this foil with our "Glamourliebe" product range,
you do NOT need a Hotfoil device.

The foils can also be used with our "Hotfoil Stamps",
you need a Hotfoil device (Glimmer or GoPress and Foil).

Width: approx. 15.0 cm
Length: approx. 4.5 m

Attention: not suitable for the technique with toner and laminator!

For examples and inspiration, please visit our dear design team *click* or browse through the creative collection.

Please remember, color deviations from the original tone are possible, as the display may vary depending on the screen settings.

Published on: 22. November 2023

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Content: 0.68 m² (€7.28* / 1 m²)

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Content: 0.68 m² (€7.28* / 1 m²)


Our recommendation for you

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Content: 0.68 m² (€7.28* / 1 m²)

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Folienliebe - silberfarbendEnchant your projects withshine and shimmer.You can combine this foil with our "Glamourliebe" product range,for this you do NOT need a hotfoil device. However, the foils can also be used with our "Hotfoil Stamps",for this you need a hotfoil device (Glimmer or GoPress and Foil).Width: approx. 15.0 cmLength: approx. 4.5 mrolledAttention: not suitable for the technique with toner and laminator!For examples and inspiration, please visit our dear design team *click* or browse through the creative collection.Please remember, color deviations from the original tone are possible, as the display may vary depending on the screen settings.Published on: 22. November 2023

Content: 0.68 m² (€7.28* / 1 m²)

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Content: 0.68 m² (€7.28* / 1 m²)

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Content: 0.68 m² (€7.28* / 1 m²)

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Content: 0.09 m² (€15.56* / 1 m²)
