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Product information "Stamp set - Designline - Mit Flügelchen und Blumen"

The "Designline - Mit Flügelchen und Blumen" photopolymer stamp set consists of
9 stamps on a large A6 sheet.

Little fairies with flowers in their hair
float through the air and distribute
a smile.
Other little fairies hand out little flowers
and dear words.

You will find the following stamps in this stamp set:

girl with big flower: ca. 6,0 x 6,3 cm
little girl with wings: ca. 3,9 x 6,2 cm
big girl with wings: ca. 4,7 x 6,5 cm
small flower: ca. 0,8 x 1,4 cm
medium flower: ca. 0,9 x 1,8 cm
big flower: ca. 0,9 x 1,8 cm

Blumen sind das Lächeln der Erde! (ca. 3,3 x 2,5 cm)
durchs Blümchen gesagt (ca. 3,9 x 1,8 cm)
petite fleur (ca. 2,1 x 1,5 cm)

To use the stamps you need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.

The illustrations for this set has Anja Kaschte of Emmapünktchen drawn for us. You can also see her enchanting work on her blog

We've gathered lots of ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and get inspired.

In addition to the stamp set - Designline - Mit Flügelchen und Blumen, we have other sets designed by artists. You can find them under the heading "Designline".

Published on: April 14, 2022

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€12.00* €13.95* (13.98% saved)
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