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Product information "Stamp set - Herzhaftes Mischmasch Zusatz"

The "Herzhaftes Mischmasch Zusatz" photopolymer stamp set consists of 39 stamps on a large A6 sheet.
This set is a beautiful add-on set to the stamp set Hearty Mishmash.

You will find the following stamps on this stamp set:

- Pilze
- Pilz
- Speck
- grob
- fein
- es
- r
- Ente
- Meersalz
- Rührei
- frittierte
- Pommes
- Soucreme
- Eierstich
- Pute
- Spargel
- Spinat
- Spieß
- Chips
- Wok
- gefüllte
- Aubergine
- Ingwer
- Suppe
- Spätzle
- Eintopf
- Spiegelei
- Geflügel
- Sojasprossen
- Dampfnudeln
- Lasagne
- getrocknete
- Spaghetti
- Schnupfnudeln
- Tacco
- Gurke
- Gans
- Wurst
- Pilzen

To use the stamps you need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.

We have collected many ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and get inspired.

Published on: August 27, 2021

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Stamp set - Designline - Carolas Sprüche VI
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