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Product information "Stamp set - Pfützenhüpfen"

The "Pfützenhüpfen" photopolymer stamp set
consists of 34 stamps on a large A6 sheet.

All small and large children love to jump into
to jump into the big rain puddles.
So put on your rubber boots and let's go!

Stamps the boots with little hearts, bows
or put on the boots flowers as decoration.

Create beautiful layouts with this set with
your pictures from the last puddle jumping.

You will find the following stamps on this stamp set:

Boots sideways 1: approx. 3.6 X 4.6 cm
Boots sideways 2: ca. 3,0 X 3,9 cm
Boots sideways 3: ca. 2,5 X 2,9 cm
boots lateral 4: ca. 2,3 x 2,2 cm
crown: ca. 0,8 x 0,7 cm
6 hearts: ca. 0,2 x 0,2 cm - 0,8 x 0,9 cm
bow: ca. 0,8 x 0,7 cm
flower bouquet 1: ca. 4,3 x 2,1 cm
flower bouquet 2: ca. 4,4 x 2,1 cm
flower bouquet 3: ca. 4,4 x 2,0 cm
boots from behind 1: ca. 3,3 x 4,5 cm
boots from behind 2: ca. 2,7 x 4,1 cm
boots from behind 3: ca. 2,4 x 3,0 cm
boots from behind 4: ca. 2,4 x 2,7 cm


To use the stamps you need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.

Do you know the No line technique? You make a stamp impression with the No line stamp pad and color this impression with the Faber Castell watercolor pencils. When painting with the watercolor brush, the stamp line dissolves and you have the colored impression without stamped lines.
How you color with watercolors has the dear Annika Flebbe you in a "Good to know" explained.

We have collected many ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and let yourself be inspired.

Published on: October 15, 2021

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Acrylic block - rectangular - 3.0 x 3.5 cm
Acrylic block - rectangular - 3.0 x 3.5 cmThe rectangular acrylic block has a size of 3.0 x 3.5 cm and a thickness of 2.0 cm.The block has circumferential finger grooves (recessed grips) for easy handling.The printed grid makes it easier for you to place the stamps straight, to place the stamps straight.Our stamps adhere easily to this block and are just as easy toand can be removed and stored just as easily.Published on: 24 March 2023

Acrylic block - rectangular - 16,0 x 6,0 cm
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Acrylic block - round - 7 cm
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Acrylblock - rund - 3,5 cm
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Acrylic block - rectangular - 5,0 x 6,0 cm
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Our recommendation for you

Stempelset Tierische Weihnachten
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Stempelset Stiller Gruß III
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€17.00* €21.95* (22.55% saved)
Stempelset Feine Blätter I
Das “Feine Blätter" Photopolymer Stempelset besteht aus 12 Stempeln auf einem großen A5 Sheet. Das Besondere an diesem Stempelset sind die Blätter, die nur mit Punkten dargestellt werden. Ob embosst oder gestempelt, es sieht immer wunderschön aus. In den Bespielen findet ihr Anregungen von unserem lieben Designteam. Viele weitere Ideen zu diesem Stempelset haben wir auf unserer Pinterest Pinnwand und in unserer Kreativ-Sammlung zusammengetragen. Schaut doch mal vorbei und lasst Euch inspirieren. Das Set beinhaltet folgende Stempel: Ginko Blatt: ca. 4,98 x 4,59 cm Farn Blatt: ca. 6,31 x 3,51 cm Blatt Esche: ca. 3,15 x 5,30 cm Ahorn: ca. 5,40 x 5,09 cm Linden Blatt: ca. 3,72 x 5,29 cm Pappel Blatt: ca. 5,68 x 4,56 cm Buchen Blatt: ca. 5,77 x 2,65 cm Eichen Blatt: ca. 5,59 x 3,69 cm Schwarz-Esche Blatt: ca. 6,00 x 2,92 cm Kirschblüte: ca. 3,01 x 2,48 cm Blatt 1: ca. 5,45 x 3,60 cm Blatt 2: ca. 4,06 x 3,30 cm Damit die Stempel verwendet werden können benötigt Ihr Acrylblöcke, die nicht mit in diesem Angebot beinhaltet sind. Die hochwertigen Stempel sind darauf selbsthaftend. Um das beste Ergebnis beim Abstempeln zu erzielen, betupft den Stempel mit der Stempelfarbe und drückt diesen dann gleichmäßig mit nicht zuviel Kraft aufs Papier. Sollte die Klebekraft der Stempel durch Staubpartikel oder Fingerabdrücke irgendwann nachlassen, könnt ihr diese einfach mit etwas sanfter Seifenlauge reinigen. Damit erhalten sie ihre Klebekraft zurück. Neben dem Stempelset "Feine Blätter" haben wir noch viele andere herbstliche Produkte im Shop. Diese findet ihr HIER. Veröffentlicht am: 22. August 2019

€17.00* €21.95* (22.55% saved)
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€15.00* €21.95* (31.66% saved)
Stamp set - Carolas Herbst
The "Carolas Herbst" photopolymer stamp setconsists of 37 stamps on a large A5 sheet.Leaves, flowers, acorns, fairy lights in bright colorsbelong to the cozy autumn.With the matching text stamps can be beautiful layouts of theWalk through the autumnal forest design.You will find the following stamps on this stamp set:Acorn with star: approx. 1.5 x 2.9 cmAcorn with heart: ca. 1,5 x 2,9 cmacorn striped: ca. 1,5 x 2,9 cmsmall leaf: ca. 1,7 x 2,4 cmmedium leaf: ca. 2,0 x 2,7 cmbig leaf: ca. 3,2 x 4,5 cmsmall cloud: ca. 4,4 x 2,3 cmbig cloud: ca. 5,5 x 3,6 cmflower small: ca. 1,2 x 1,2 cmflower medium: ca. 1,6 x 1,6 cmFlower large: ca. 2,1 x 2,1 cmflower small: ca. 1,3 x 2,5 cmflower large: ca. 1,6 x 3,0 cmflower with heart: ca. 1,4 x 3,8 cmflower with umbel: ca. 1,3 x 4,0 cmstring of lights: ca. 8,8 x 1,7 cmScroll: ca. 6,5 x 3,5 cmScroll dotted: ca. 3,9 x 3,2 cmheart dotted: ca. 2,8 x 3,2 cm3 small hearts: ca. 1,2 x 0,3 cmsmall heart in a circle: ca. 0,7 x 0,7 cmbig heart in circle: ca. 1,1 x 1,1 cmHerbstHerbstfreudenzeitfarbenwindgeflüsterlaubdekostimmungsausespaziergangpartyliebegrüßeTo use the stamps you need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.We have collected many ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and get inspired. Published on: October 15, 2021

Stamp set - Herbstkränze II mit Brombeeren
The "Herbstkränze II mit Brombeeren" photopolymer stamp setconsists of 7 stamps on a large A6 sheet.Wreaths with blossoms, branches, berries and fruits area sign that autumn is here and simply belong.Designs with the beautiful wreaths cards and packagingin beautiful warm autumn tones.You will find the following stamps on this stamp set:Wreath with flowers: approx. 6.5 x 6.5 cmwreath with berries: ca. 7,0 x 7,0 cmsmall grass: ca. 0,7 x 2,8 cmblackberries: ca. 2,2 x 4,0 cmthistle: ca. 1,2 x 3,9 cmberry branch: ca. 3,3 x 2,6 cmGrass shell: ca. 1,5 x 5,1 cmTo use the stamps you need acrylic blocks, which are not included in this offer.We have collected many ideas for this stamp set on our Pinterest board and in our creative collection. Take a look and get inspired.We have another set with fall wreaths in the store. Published on: October 15, 2021

€9.95* €13.95* (28.67% saved)